blank effort Debut EP “Shed Your Teeth”

The absolute madlad has finally done it. After years of grinding production, one (1) whole live performance, and more bong rips than you could imagine, blank effort is ready to share the news of a Debut EP titled “Shed Your Teeth”. The titular track starts dark and scratchy, yet eerily groovy before delivering a warm layer of vocals that leave the spine tingling and lead ones teeth to shed. I’ll let the video do the rest of the talking.

Shed Your Teeth EP is sure to make you shriek, whether that be from fear or pure exhilaration. This heart-pumping eight track journey feels reminiscent of Bloodborne to me in a way — ominious, yet awaiting to infect each person that dares enter its world with a desire so bountiful for it to permeate forever.

Tracks like Jeanson’s Escape offer the listener a brash and abrasive wave of squealing guitars, gut punching percussion, and topped with apocalyptic vocals that could be delivered from an ever-sentient robo-being.

Meanwhile, Take Em Out!!! Do It!!! sonically evokes what it would feel like to have ones upper intestines ripped out and turned into Yo-Yo String, or at least that’s what it does to me. Yet I’m still eager to have what used to be my bowels bounce up and down the dancefloor, strobe lights streaking across the room as my teethless corpse decays in the back of the greenroom.

Shed Your Teeth EP cover art

I got a chance to sit down with Jed, the driving force behind blank effort, to further understand what this new EP means for the future, what obstacles have come in the way of creating this project, and his mindset while going into the recording process for it.

“this whole album is a bunch of old like improv recordings… i don’t think a single song was made new for it”

Jed — blank effort

I was appalled to find out these songs weren’t made for a project in mind, but rather the opposite. He elaborated,

“newest would be like drink up phillip but that was like dec 2020… no album planned for them at all, they kind of just came together”

Jed — blank effort

One of my favorite moments across the EP is track 7, simply titled 33. Despite its scrawling run length of 37 seconds this track hits every itch in the brain while still leaving so much more to be desired. It’s roots in post-punk and hardcore and easily prevalent, while structurally it hits like a ringtone. Ultimately, it’s a masterclass in not only sonic assembly but rhythmic structure. When asked about the song, Jed said

“that song was randomly found, barely remember making it or writing it. everything was recorded too”

Jed — blank effort

Yet again, i’m found baffled by the evidence that lay in front of me. When people say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that allows for anything to be loved — even the smallest sidebars in the sketchbook can be made larger than life when interpreted by the world. Oh, Joy!

Shed Your Teeth EP is currently only available on bandcamp (for free), and there are plans to distribute this project to streaming services a-plenty.

EDIT(3/15): Shed Your Teeth EP is available on all streaming services 🙂

Be sure to keep an eye out for blank effort, playing their first acoustic live set on April 1st, 2022 @ Strand Studios in Hackettstown, NJ.

blank effort Premieres live band @ RedHouse, NJ

This weekend, two artists signed with LeavingSomeDay hosted an amazing concert over at the RedHouse in Boonton NJ. This spectacular one night event began with local friends Vincent & The Noise, followed by blank effort, and headlined by The Band Lunch. This also happened to be the very first live performance by blank effort — an accomplishment that we are fortunate to have captured in full. This performance can be viewed through the link below.

TheBandLunch & Human Urgency Release New Music

Fellow LeavingSomeday musical locals ‘TheBandLunch’ and not so local ‘Human Urgency’ have both released their debut EPs recently! Check them out!

Find TheBandLunch on most streaming platforms!

Find Human Urgency on Bandcamp!

Kenny Pumped for October

It’s been a little over three weeks, which means we’re due for an update on the inner brewings of leavingsomeday. Speaking of three’s October looks like it will be full of delights in multiple mediums. Three video projects are on the way, three music announcements are due, and three related media are on route.

All of the videos that we’re planned last month have been successfully shot and are in post-production right now. One of these includes our first venture into website exclusive content. Another is likely to be released on Halloween. The third should hopefully be out by the end of the week 😉
In the meantime, enjoy this genuinely horrifying music video.

First off our very own SpeedyTimmyEXP have finally released Vice of the Dice, skelevator, and skelevator b-sides to streaming services!!! They’ll be linked below, be sure to give them a listen! Be on the lookout for some physicals arriving on our store SOON.

Next, our friends over at Fox Teeth have announced their debut LP “tite!” The album is expected to be released digitally worldwide on Friday, October 30th. Physical copies may also be around the corner…? Until then be sure to stream their most recent single “Voicemail“. Congrats to them, and keep a lookout for that release soon.

Finally, local jam band Lunch has begun production on their debut EP. Additionally, they also picked up a new guitarist named Colin? They are still in the early stages, but keep an eye out for these folks.

Besides those video and music updates that are upcoming we also have a few projects underway on the side. One of them includes conversations, another includes reading about soap, and the last might be a script. Thanks for riding with us, and let’s see where this goes y’know.