David Smith is an actor from warren county New Jersey Who graduated From the County College of Morris with an Associates in Fine Arts with a concentration in dramatic performance. A thespian who has appeared not only on the CCM stage and the Dover little theater stage in various roles, but who has also lent his (limited) talents to some of the films from Leavingsomedayproductions. Davidio has also worked on various productions from Paladinknight entertainment and is still an ongoing member. Davidio Is also a Member of the band, SPEXT. With Leavingsomeday productions Davidio hopes to create more then he ever has before.
Also A Member of the Strand performance Group:
Works in progress
The vinyl Roulette podcast( A podcast featuring all members of leavingsomedayproductions with a focus on music)
Actor: Scary Werewolf
Actor: Nam and Nom
Voiceover: the Asbestobites theme

Davidio as the Werewolf Nam